Players: 2 to 6Age: 10+Duration: 45 to 120 min
You have to supply the shops of a medieval town (Brillance). The one who can supply the most shops before sunrise (10 turns) is the winner. The problem is that the streets are very narrow, so they get blocked of by the other players. Each round you rec..
Players: 2 to 6Age: 8+Duration: 20 min
In Bucket King 3D, a new version of Stefan Dorra's The Bucket King, players lay down sets of animal cards to try to knock over every other's pyramids of buckets. Cards in hand can be used to defend your own buckets and attack those of others — and if you knock..
Autobahn is an economic strategy game about the building of the German motorway system over three periods of time spanning from the end of World War II to the present day...
Players: 2 to 6Age: 8+Duration: 5 min
Beep! Beep! Is a fast paced game of driving through a forest and swerving to miss the wildlife. The game consists of a small rubber squeaky car and 112 cards each with an animal in a particular color on it. Players simultaneously try to match either the animal ..
Queen Gimnax has ordered the reclamation of the northern lands. As a cartographer in her service, you are sent to map this territory, claiming it for the Kingdom of Nalos. Through official edicts, the queen announces which lands she prizes most, and you will increase your reputation by meeting her d..
The expedition to the Western Lands is the kind of honor that comes once in a lifetime for a royal cartographer. But these are dangerous times. War ravages the land, and you are sure to encounter Dragul forces determined to thwart Queen Gimnax’s plans for western expansion.
Fortunately, brave heroe..
With no natural resources, the Government of Uruguay is concerned about the country’s dependence on imported fossil fuels. As a consequence, it is seeking to increase the share of domestic resources, of which the most feasible are biomass and wind energy, as well as employing end-use energy efficien..
The Clear Skies expansion is a collection of stretch goals from the Pampero Kickstarter. Included are additional components that can be used with the existing base game rules, as well as three new game concepts..
The installation of wind farms can have an impact on the natural habitat of the surrounding fauna and flora. The government has programs that reward the protection of this habitat.
A new action lets players score points for nature reserves near their transformers...