Players: 3-5Age: 16+Duration: 60 min
You've got 60 minutes to decipher the codes that will set you free in these exciting games of adventure and escape. Enter the correct keys into the included Chrono Decoder to move further along in the game. Enter the wrong keys and lose valuable time! Three diff..
Players: 2 to 4Age: 6+Duration: 10 to 20 min
Card game which plays with a regular deck of cards, with play going much like UNO. The idea is to get rid of all your cards FIRST. Everyone gets some number of starting cards (like 5), and must play a matching card (colour/suit/value), or pick up 1 from ..
Players: 1 to 4Age: 6+Duration: 30 min
Wobble - Roll to the hole! Try to roll the ball in the right hole by balancing the game board. On your turn you roll the dice and get as many action points as you rolled. With an action point you can drop a disc on the edge of the playing board to make the boa..
You've got 60 minutes to decipher the codes that will set you free in these exciting games of adventure and escape. Enter the correct keys into the included Chrono Decoder to move further along in the game. Enter the wrong keys and lose valuable time! Three different adventures included.Includes a 1..