Steam belching iron horses roar across the wild plains in Warfrog's first railway game. Age of Steam relives the era of the pioneer US railroads building the track that transformed America's economy. The cut-throat action is centered on the industrial powerhouse of the growing nation Pittsburgh, Cin..
A collection of Age of Steam Deluxe expansion maps:
- France / Poland
- Hungary / Finland
- New England / Switzerland / Pittsburgh
- Heavy Cardboard / Detroit Bankruptcy
Each Expansion Volume of the set contains multiple maps on mounted game boards, plus the rules and any extra components neede..
A collection of Age of Steam Deluxe expansion maps:
- Italy / Portugal
- Great Britain / Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico / 1890 Berlin
- Scotland / Seattle Metro
Each Expansion Volume of the set contains multiple maps on mounted game boards, plus the rules and any extra components needed to play eac..
A collection of Age of Steam Deluxe expansion maps:
- Sweden Recycling / Pacific Electric
- Disco Inferno / Southern China
- Osaka / Lincoln Funeral Car
Each Expansion Volume of the set contains multiple maps on mounted game boards, plus the rules and any extra components needed to play each one..
A collection of Age of Steam Deluxe expansion maps:
- England / Balkans
- Trisland / Ukraine
- Blizzard of '77 / South Caroline / Death Valley
Each Expansion Volume of the set contains multiple maps on mounted game boards, plus the rules and any extra components needed to play each one...