Players: 2Age: 14+Duration: 2-3 hour
The Rebel Alliance is constantly outgunned in their war against the Empire. Since they cannot hope to match the awe-inspiring military production of a galaxy-spanning Empire, the Rebellion has turned to salvage in order to supplement their forces — such as with ..
Players: 2Age: 14+Duration: 2-3 hour
The power of the Empire is visible on any subjugated world — few images are more representative of Imperial power than the shining white armor of a Stormtrooper or the rumble of a walker stomping through city streets or across the battlefield. Soon, you’ll be ab..
Players: 2Age: 14+Duration: 2-3 hour
The first troops to take the field in the Clone Wars, Phase I Clone Troopers represent a new era of galactic warfare. Genetically crafted for battle and outfitted with state-of-the-art equipment, Clone Troopers charge into battle on countless worlds to do the jo..
Players: 2Age: 14+Duration: 2-3 hour
The Alliance recruits warriors from every world — wherever they can find beings who have come to hate the Empire's tyranny. Together, these ragtag groups of recruits become Rebel Troopers, carrying out the fight against the Empire on dozens of worlds across the ..
Players: 2Age: 14+Duration: 2-3 hour
No image is more iconic and symbolic of the Empire's power than the expressionless helmet of an Imperial Stormtrooper. These soldiers have been deployed on hundreds of worlds across the galaxy, and everywhere they go, they keep the boot of Imperial oppression fi..
Players: 2Age: 14+Duration: 2-3 hour
The howl of a 74-Z Speeder Bike racing past is not something that's easily forgotten. The Empire commonly uses these speeder bikes for scouting and reconnaissance missions, but they can also be deployed to terrifying effect on the battlefield, where their sheer ..
The Star Wars: Legion – Aqua Droids Unit Expansion brings the AQ-series battle droids to the battlefield. This expansion contains four formidable aqua droid miniatures to form a Heavy support option. This Unit Expansion is part of the Separatist army...
A sinister new character awaits in Star Wars: Legion – Asajj Ventress Operative Expansion.
Asajj Ventress is a talented warrior who wields two curved lightsabers in a fighting style known as Jar'Kai with deadly efficiency. This pack adds her to the ranks of the Separatist Alliance along with four n..