Players: 2Age: 14+Duration: 30 to 45 min
A Ello Asty X-Wing card with alternative art, the same as the one players in the Sheepgames Championship 2017 received!..
Players: 2Age: 14+Duration: 30 to 45 min
A Luke Skywalker X-Wing card with alternative art, the same as the one players in the Sheepgames Championship 2017 received!..
Players: 2Age: 14+Duration: 30 to 45 min
A Omega Leader X-Wing card with alternative art, the same as the one players in the Sheepgames Championship 2017 received!..
Players: 2Age: 14+Duration: 30 to 45 min
A Tactician Upgrade card with alternative art, the same as the players received during a Sheepgames 2017 Championship...